New Ideas need Positive thinking for entrepreneurship development-I

New Ideas reap Rich rewards

New Ideas reap Rich rewardsIdeas that turn the world for U, needs to be exploited – I


A concept in the mind that is strengthened with profound knowledge and critical feedback improvised, will result in a product. To make product or service customer friendly value addition as per present market dynamics leads to the delivery of a well acclaimed product. Over the period we had discussed various issues that harness your ideas in to successful enterprise or leads to Enterprise development. Fundamentally the most important as discussed earlier is a student who has a new idea must be confident in his abilities. Only this becomes the pillar of strength for his upcoming successful venture. Normally entrepreneurship is feared by most parents, so the student with an idea must have real confidence to move forward. But mind you only after being successful, one becomes the yard stick for development.

Next in the line is one’s determination to excel and surpass his/her goal in a target time. This, as already explained, leads to success. A determination to surpass with 360 degrees working nature, if necessary, will definitely put one on the right path. Adhering to the 19 Golden Rules again ensures your safe passage. At this stage strategy and execution helps one build up a sound track that eventually leads to success.

Once the initial hitches are over now your focus must be on the desired goal. And in the process you come across various hurdles and many bouquets too. Like if you are hunting producing petrol and then you get a lot of by-products which also add value to your path to success. Similarly as you plan ahead for eventualities start planning for by products too that increases your brand value.  All these form a part of envisaging created opportunities. This leads your own self to creating opportunities. The product ready as per your estimates reaches the required standards turns as finished product with the required value add-ons.

(To be continued)