How do we harness AI for Nation’s progress?

23052023 Editorials AI in INDIA:

India's role globally in AI

  • What are our advantages for enabling AI
  • How should the industry play a responsible role in AI penetration
  • How important is R&D
  • What is the market potential of AI
  • What is the government’s support in this domain

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a fast-emerging technology globally. In this five-article series, this is the second and we discuss about how our AI innovations can be advantageous, globally.

AI will play a significant role in automating things and will speed up the processes making society, a better place to live. AI could have a macroscopic view of various issues, which the human eye might not be able to see, both identification and solution could be a practical game changer for society.

AI is creating unfair advantages by reducing human error, zero risks, Round clock service, unbiased decisiveness, digital advantage, taking control of risky situations and many more. However, this domain needs to be harnessed on certain specific things like cutting costs on creating AI-enabled devices.

“India is emerging as a significant player in the global AI landscape. While countries like the United States and China have been leading in AI development, India has been making notable progress and is gaining recognition for its contributions. Here’s how India is positioned globally in the field of AI:

Talent Pool: India possesses a vast pool of skilled professionals in the field of AI. The country has a strong technical education system, producing a large number of engineers, data scientists, and AI specialists. Indian professionals are sought after globally for their expertise in AI-related domains.

Research and Development: Indian research institutions and universities are actively engaged in AI research. These institutions have made valuable contributions to the advancement of AI, publishing research papers, participating in conferences, and collaborating with international peers.

Industry Collaboration: Indian companies are collaborating with global technology giants, research organizations, and STARTUPS to drive AI innovation. Partnerships and collaborations with international entities help in knowledge exchange, technology transfer, and fostering AI advancements.

AI Startups: India has witnessed a surge in AI STARTUPS, focusing on a wide range of applications. These startups are gaining recognition on the global stage, attracting investments, and participating in international forums and competitions. Indian AI STARTUPS are driving innovation and contributing to the global AI ecosystem.

Market Potential: India’s large population and growing economy provide a significant market for AI applications. Both domestic and international companies are exploring opportunities to deploy AI technologies in India to address various challenges and tap into market potential.

Government Support: The Indian government has been proactive in promoting AI through various initiatives, policies, and funding programs. The National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence and other government-led initiatives provide a conducive environment for AI development and adoption.

Ethical Considerations: India has been actively discussing and deliberating on ethical aspects of AI, such as privacy, transparency, and fairness. By addressing these concerns, India aims to build AI systems that are responsible and beneficial to society.

While India is making progress in the AI space, it’s important to note that there is still room for growth. To further strengthen its global position, India needs to continue investing in research and development, enhancing infrastructure, fostering industry-academia collaboration, and addressing any existing challenges.”

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To be continued 3/5

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