Disciplined are succesful

Disciplined are succesfulKathenotheistic business reap rich dividends


The fundamental issue for a start-up to adhere is discipline and by its virtue can achieve phenomenal heights. Experts feel that this single trait can see the start-up as a successful enterprise, while becoming brand equity. This brand equity is sure to sustain longer and see the start-up through all hardships. An interesting story that had come up in ET caught my eyes and I felt it right to give a gist for reader enrichment.

Actually hailing from an Indian background the phenomenon of multi-Gods for various domains is a well-known fact. We worship various Gods for various occasions. This confused the international visitors who were perplexed to think whether we were monotheists or polytheists, but it was Max Muller, who solved the issue. He came up with the term kathenotheistic, which means every God is treated as the supreme God turn-by-turn at the time of invocation.

A candid example with this theory was also quoted along in this article. ` Sivakumar owns a small company that makes spare parts for cars. The business has been growing well. Sivakumar allocates one day a week with every department. Monday is for sales and marketing, Tuesday is for logistics, Wednesday is for production, Thursday is with finance, Friday is with human resources, Saturday is with admin and all contract workers.’ Strategy and execution plays pivotal role in the growth of the enterprise.

This is true at all times because discipline is the fundamental trait for a successful enterprise. Way2World advises start-ups to plan your work and follow a timetable, because you have no boss to tell you to take up a task. Being your own enterprise adds more responsibility on self to see the best results.