06042020 India, StartUps COVID 19 Opportunities:
- Ventilators
- Air Purifiers
- Quarantine Apps
- Medical Textiles
- Vehicle Shields
- Virtual Digital Classrooms
- Webinars, Podcasts
- Online meetups and Video Group calls
- ……………………………………….Etc
The whole country is reeling under the Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) crisis. The steps taken by the government are beyond expectations and need a big round of applause. The country had bestowed its total confidence at the electoral to the
present setup, which has stood positive in the most uncertain times of the history.
The foundation pillars of the StartUp Ecosystem in the country have been to probe problems and find solutions. Ideating brains have considered the Covid-19 crisis as a challenge and tried their best to give befitting reply in the form of low cost and effective products. But for the situational uncertainty this development would not have been even dreamed off.
Most developed nations, globally, succumbed to the pressure created and stood helpless on the streets of the universe. Initially they thought by developing a sound economy and improving defense strengths would prove their supremacy. These two were fundamentally judged as the predominant requisites of their people to stay ahead in time.
None of them thought that no amount of currency can bring back life to a human, nor massive defense strengths could bring aid to war torn victims. Now most of them are awakening to the fact that we need more ventilators and hospital beds than nukes and tanks.
Going by the trends the Indian StartUp Ecosystem, ranked as the third largest ecosystem globally, awoke with a positive attitude, unlike its other two counter parts. They responded with low cost and effective products to serve the vagaries faced by the nation.
21 Day Lock-down has been a wonderful period for these founders who used the time to introspect and reinvent to bring the country into the ‘Golden Age’.
Educational institutes have responded positively by connecting with students through virtual class rooms and digital learning. Mentors and industry academia have connected though webinars and podcasts while commercial establishments have gathered on group video calls to strategize post Covid-19 crisis.
Even family bonding has improved phenomenally with people miles apart being connected by frequent video calls. The Virus is an outbreak of our negligence to nature yet while exiting, it has made us better humans.
Founders have found this time ideal to invest in intellectual property, develop best practices, product and analyse the financial flow of the entities. In addition they should concentrate on hiring. This is the best time to get seasoned professionals due to corporate crisis.
Apart from this many founders have invested time in designing products that are the need of the hour. Let us now view few products designed during this crisis phase.
The Karnataka StartUp Ecosystem has joined hands with the state government to develop a State Helpline for individuals seeking doctor consultation. They have also constructed a ‘Quarantine App’, which is a self-reporting Tool with a map of cases as reported by medical professionals in local language for rural public. In addition aggregated hotel rooms, who are willing to give them as quarantine wards for treating affected patients. The whole concept has helped the state in its fight against the dreaded disease.
STAQU from Gurgaon has designed a new thermal camera to detect body temperatures of individuals that helps in identifying suspected patients. The StartUp utilizes video analytics to examine the heat signatures. The camera can identify many people with symptoms at a time due to its range (100Mts).
Another Gurgaon based Automobile aggregator StartUp, DROOM has “launched an antimicrobial surface protection shield for cars and two-wheelers called CORONA SHIELD. The firm claims that the shield has been proven to be effective against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and similar droplet-based viruses for up to four months.”
“IIT Roorkee develops low-cost ventilator to fight against Corona virus. The closed-loop ventilator “Prana-Vayu” developed in collaboration with AIIMS, does not require compressed air and is useful when hospital wards and open areas are converted into ICUs. The ventilator is based on the controlled operation of the prime mover to deliver the required amount of air to the patient.
The automated process controls the pressure and flow rates in the inhalation and exhalation lines. The ventilator will be useful for a wide degree of congestion in the respiratory tract and is applicable for all age group patients, especially the elderly. Akshay Dvivedi, Arup Kumar Das and team deserve a big round of applause.”
“IIT-Guwahati’s chemistry and bio-science & bio-engineering departments are together developing prototypes of waterproof protective gear that come with antiviral and super-hydrophobic coatings. Additionally, design experts at the institute have created a 3D-printed prototype of a full-face shield, including headgear.
The face shield or mask adheres to the guidelines given by the World Health Organization. They are also working to develop biodegradable plastic based Medical Textile. It is highly appreciable that students and faculty at the many Indian Institutes of Technology have joined the fight against corona virus.”
“A team of innovators from IIT Kanpur’s incubator company NOCCA ROBOTICS, Pune have developed a ventilator prototype, currently in the testing phase. Given that almost all components are locally sourced, the price will be much less compared to imported ones.”
“IISc, Bangalore team is building ventilator prototype using local parts!! A group of IISc scientists and students have been working night and day to develop a high-quality indigenous ventilator. The prototype is created out of components from the Indian automotive and RO filter industry using basic principles of fluid mechanics and gas dynamics and has verified the results experimentally.”
“IIT-AIIMS team (Debayan Saha and Shashi Ranjan) builds world’s 1st machine that kills Corona virus in air with ionized water and sterilize public places to prevent the spread of Corona virus. PerSapien Innovation, Delhi has come up with a machine called Airlens Minus Corona to counter the spread of the disease. The machine disperses the ionized water droplets, which in turn dioxides the viral protein, and hence reducing it to a non-harmful molecule.”
“INALI FOUNDATIONS objective is to build ventilators that would implement a safe, cost effective alternative for emergency use, which could be built quickly and deployed. They aim to make each ventilator available at affordable cost.. They are also making completely indigenous design such that all parts necessary to manufacture such ventilators are available / manufactured locally avoiding need of any imported parts.”
In the coming days more innovations, trying to solve the present crisis, would see light. Watch this space for more updates in this regards. These snippets have been gathered from many sources and have been listed here for reader’s enrichment. Way2World is always ahead with latest incidents from the StartUp Ecosystem for your reference.
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Note: In this hour of caution, due to the panic created by Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) please follow social distancing and Stay Home – Stay Safe – Be healthy – Be Happy. This lock-down period is a time gap to introspect and upskill. With Inputs from internet – RajKishan